Tyler has 3 cans of blue paint. Each contains 3 quarts separately. What you need to do is multiply 3 and 3, which would total to 9 quarts. Since you need to include exponents, I´m guessing 3 cubed (3 to the third power) will work. He also buys 1 can of white paint, which only contains 2 quarts. You should add that to the 9 quarts we got from the last steps. I am not sure if this answer is entirely correct, but my guess is 3^3 + 2 = 11 quarts.
A: y = 9.5x + 22.5
Step-by-step explanation:
Brooklyn is more expensive
Step-by-step explanation:
I answer . The white ones are better trust me, but u have to keep them keep clean!