A university study by known sociologists that concludes welfare payments are insufficient
<em>In the following options given above, the university study by the known sociologists tends to hold more weight than a gruop of survey carried out. </em>
This is because, in survey, the responses are subjective to the mood and personality of the respondents whereas in the university study carried out by the sociologists, it definitely follows a laid down experimental process before the result was arrived at.
It is the family Spirillaceae, aquatic except for one species (S. minus) that causes a type of rat-bite fever in man.
When we say dependent, it is a person who relies on another for financial support. Usually a dependent relies on another family member. In terms of economics, geography, demography and sociology, dependency ratio is an age-population ratio of those. Dependents are those individuals who are not in the labor force aging 0 to 14 and 65+. The labor force are those who are the productive ones whose age are in the range of 15 to 64. These are also those who qualify as taxpayer’s dependents. Those who are considered dependents are normally, a child, non-working spouse, parent, brother, brother or sister.
<span>d.ethos; appeals to ethics, logos; appeals to logic, pathos; appeals to emotions
The key thing here is understanding the 6 different words here. They are:
ethos, logos, pathos, emotion, logic, ethics.
You may notice that the 1st 3 words kinda look familiar, but not quite. The reason is that those words are greek and the last 3 words evolved from them. Let's look closer.
ethos looks like it's related to ethics. And that is correct.
logos looks like it's related to logic and that is also correct.
pathos is the root for words such as pathetic, pitiful, etc. Words that evoke an emotional response.
Now with the above in mind, let's look at the options and pick the right one.
a.ethos; appeals to emotion
logos; appeals to logic
pathos; appeals to ethics
* Bad choice. Ethos applies to ethics, not emotion, and visa versa.
b.ethos; appeals to logic
logos; appeals to ethics
pathos; appeals to emotions
* Bad choice. Ethos applies to ethics, not logic.
c.ethos; appeals to pathos
logos; appeals to ethics
pathos; appeals to emotions
* Bad choice. This one is a bit of a mix and match. And having two greek words for the 1st choice? Can it be any more obviously wrong?
d.ethos; appeals to ethics
logos; appeals to logic
pathos; appeals to emotions
* Correct. All of the options match.</span>