it is like a secret code that you can use to talk to people when you don't want an enemy to find out your tactics.
People tend to make systematic and predictable mistakes in their thinking. These mistakes are called biases.
Humans are not perfect decision makers. Everyday humans make numerous decisions and try their best to be rational. But many times, our cognitive limitations prevent us from doing so. In systematic and predictable ways, we do drift away from perfection. Even if we take each step properly to make a decision by first defining the problem, then thinking of alternatives for the solution and then take a decision, one is bound to get affected by cognitive thinking. Such mistakes that humans make are called biases. They affect the judgement of even a very talented human being.
Answer: The goods have a better quality
The quality of a product is down to how well and painstakingly the producer takes his time to work on what he's selling. An organization which invests much more time into productivity will offer a better product than that which offer lesser time to producing. When more time is involved in productivity, the customer gains with a quality product.
Improving hand eye coordination
Public speaking refers to speaking to a group of people in a proper way to provide information and to influence or to entertain the listeners. According to the Ancient Greeks, public speaking is called rhetoric and as per the Romans, it is called oratory.
The benefits of Public Speaking do not include Improving hand-eye coordination.