Yes, an influx of immigrants to the United States led to to industrialization and urbanization of major cities all across the country.
In United States, Industrialization and urbanization was the result of immigration. Majority of the people moved from rural to urban areas in U.S.
New York City became the center of finance, industry, shipping and trade. There was growth in art and literature. There was growth of cities. Immigrants got employment and were happy to accept low wages as they got a more settle life in the cities. They could support their families financially more than as compared to their rural lives.
As there was more production, industries reinvested in new technology, which improved production and eventually workers could also get higher wages.
As a result of all this, cities grew at a much higher rate.
In amendment two third of the total senate and house representatives rectified the bill to date have been proposed. Up to the date 27 amendments were approved.
In 1789 it was decided that how a amendment would become a part of the constitution. All 27 amendments were rectified in the presence of two third of senate and house representatives. For final approval it need to go through a voting system including the members of the senate.
Congress has the final power of giving approval of the appeal made by two third member of the legislative members. Two ways of proposing an amendment either to call two third member for voting or to call them for a national convention.
Answer: Decision Making by consumers.
When a decision is made by a consumers, this decisions sets in place a chain of reactions that change their lives, the lives of those around them ( this includes their immediate family and community at large). and the lives of people they haven’t even met before. What this single decision does is that it sets in motion a chain of reactions.
The biggest problems cited by the united states are:
1. Budget problem
2. Unemployment
3. HEALTH care
4. Immigration
5. Poverty
6. inequality in wages
7. Decline of religion and morals
8. Civil rights and race relations.
10. Terrorism
It is important to solve all the problems that are faced by any human being. Because a human should b free of tension and should have freedom in every way he looks.
The problem that first should be addressed is poverty because it's such a problem that keeps man not a man it makes life hell.
When the united states has no poverty then it's possible to think of development and other activities. As the poverty gets kicked out then education and other things come into play.
The most important issues that need to be addressed first are
1 poverty
2 terrorism
3 crime
4 Education
The problem once overcome can lead any nation to its success.
Learn more about united states
Essentialism describes the process of viewing an identity
Today, societies are remains widely recognized and talked about subjects among social orders from various foundations. Individuals from multiple communities and ethnics cooperate and framed intercultural correspondence. I
ntercultural correspondence is a blend of numerous gatherings and individuals from numerous culture foundations by speaking with one another. Culture is a piece of the cross-cultural communication that incorporates the investigation of humanities.
I additionally feel that state-funded instruction should be institutionalized because when something is accomplished to benefit everybody.