With the expression "greek miracle" we designate the appearance scientific knowledge, their achievements include great greek personages who had achieved really big disciplines like literature, history, geometry, mathematics, philosophy, etc, in the other hand the culture has also took biblical sources, which means accumulated knowledge in the sacred scriptures. so that's how Sumerian's achievements spread to other lands.
Despite the increase in incarcerated female offenders, nearly 9 out of <span> 10 jail inmates are adult males.
Study shows that male has a higher tendency toward aggressive behaviors compared to female, which makes males become more likely to commit a crime compared to females.</span>
C: Savings Account
A savings account is a deposit account that pays interest every month so if you save your money in a savings account for a year, you'll get interest 12 times.
Answer: Law of closure
Based on the information given in the question, Sean continues to swear the moon is full because of the law of closure.
The law of closure is the perception of people with regards to pictures, letters, etc. when they believe that the items are whole even though they aren't complete. Here, the moon isnt full but Sean thinks it is due to the law of law of closure.
<u>"Deductive"</u> reasoning starts with an empirical puzzle, generates a hypothesis, then uses specific cases or evidence to test the hypothesis.
Deductive reasoning is a logical procedure in which an end depends on the concordance of different premises that are for the most part thought to be true. Deductive thinking is once in a while alluded to as best down rationale. Its counterpart, inductive thinking, is here and there alluded to as base up rationale. Where deductive thinking continues from general premises to a particular end, inductive thinking continues from particular premises to a general end.