The organism which uses asexual reproduction would undergo mitosis and the cell would be divided into two daughter cells. the daughter cells have the same genetic material and are identical.
The independent variable is "controlled" or held constant in the control group. A single experiment may include multiple experimental groups, which may all be compared against the control group. The purpose of having a control is to rule out other factors which may influence the results of an experiment.
Because a half of the half illuminated Moon can be seen, this is referred to as a "quarter Moon". When the Moon is waxing and reaches this position, it's called the "first quarter Moon"; when waning, the "third quarter Moon."
Orbits: Earth
a. an example of a transgenic tomato (also called GMO tomato)
Genetic modification is the process by which an organim's genome is manipulated in order to achieve a desirable feature in such organism. Also called genetic engineering, genetic modification involves using biotechnology to alter an organims genetic composition. The organism whose genome is manipulated is called GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO) or TRANSGENIC ORGANISM.
In this case, a tomato with a gene from a fish that helps the tomato resist frost damage is said to be an example of GMO or transgenic organism because the genome of the tomato plant has been manipulated by inserting a desirable gene (resistance to frost) into it.
Most fish rise and sink using this method, but not all do. Some species don't need a swim bladder because they spend all their life skimming along the ocean floor. Other fish, such as rays and sharks, ascend and descend by propelling themselves forward.