The difference between a dominant trait and a recessive trait is that the dominant trait must have one copy of each from two different parent
Example: Brown Hair=H
Light hair=h
Hh is dominant because this is of a copy of each from two parents
A recessive trait must have two same copies coming from the same two parents
Example: HH
The clinical manifestations should the nurse expect are reports of leg fatigue, tortuous veins in the legs and pain in lower extremities when standing.
In addition, leg fatigue is a communal clinical manifestation triggered by venous stasis and insufficient tissue oxygenation. The vein walls deteriorate and dilate causing distended, bulging veins that look tortuous and darkened. As vein walls weaken and dilate venous pressure increases and the valves turn out to be useless in which vein stasis and inadequate oxygenation end result is limb discomfort. The discolored toenails effect from a fungus below the nail or chronic hypoxia, not varicose veins, confined to a small area of heat in a calf is a mark of thrombophlebitis and reddened zones on a leg are symptomatic of thrombophlebitis.
The sisters are different heights because one or both of the parents has a short allele that wasnt dominated by the tall allele, or vice-versa.