Chất dinh dưỡng đa lượng nào cần thiết cho mọi chức năng của cơ thể?
A. nước
B. chất béo
C. protein
D. cacbohydrat
Vui lòng chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất từ các lựa chọn cho sẵn.
A. nước
—Exercising can help you look better. People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don't. In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight.
—Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person's risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases, which used to be found mostly in adults, are becoming more common in teens.
—Exercise can help a person age well. This may not seem important now, but your body will thank you later. Women are especially prone to a condition called osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones) as they get older. Studies have found that weight-bearing exercise — like jumping, running, or brisk walking — can help girls and boys keep their bones strong.
Momento triste de mi vida es cuando murió mi padre.
Un momento triste de mi vida es cuando mi padre murió a causa de una insuficiencia cardíaca. Esos son los días duros y dolorosos de mi vida. Mi padre era el jefe de nuestra familia y su trabajo cubría todos los gastos de la familia pero con su muerte, se detuvieron los ingresos y no hay medios de ingresos que nos hagan la vida más difícil. Después de un tiempo conseguí el trabajo, pero esos días son un momento triste de mi vida.
There are 5 groups in the vertebral column. In order they are called
1) Cervical
2) Thoracic
3) Lumbar
4) Sacrum
5) Coccyx
The 4th group contain 5 bones and once you are in the adult phase,
roughly at about 26 years, the 5 bones fuses into one bone which shrink
the number of bones the vertebra column have but but does not lose in
not a 100 % sure hope this helps