The oxygen molecules moves through the nostrils, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, smaller and smaller branches of the bronchial tree, and then into the alveolus.
The nervous system releases neurotransmitters at synapses at specific target cells & The endocrine system reacts more slowly to stimuli, often taking seconds to days.
The nervous system is very specific with where the neurotransmitters go so they will affect target cells. The endocrine system is slower than the nervous system because the hormones travel through the blood so it takes much longer to reach the designated area.
The three main worm phyla are flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms. Roundworms have a digestive tube that has two openings. Segmented worms have a closed circulatory system in which blood is enclosed in blood vessels. These are important steps in the evolutionary development of animals.
Because it is cheaper to prevent an illness than to treat an illness
-Health Maintenance Organization(HMO) plans offer a wide range of healthcare services through a network of providers who agree to supply services to members.
-According to HMOs it is better to prevent disease rather than to try to find cures for diseases after they occur, therefore they encourage healthy lifestyle practices.
-Prevention typically consists of methods or activities that seek to reduce or deter specific or predictable problems, protect the current state of well-being, or promote desired outcomes or behaviors.
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase. B