Interventions to reduce unprotected sex include individual counseling, social and behavioral support (such as peer education, assertiveness and relationship support, discussing attitudes and beliefs, videos).
The kingdoms united for protection against attacking invaders.
Answer: The Wampanoags and Iroquois, built longhouses made out of wood because they needed to protect themselves from all four seasons. Sine the wood was so plentiful, the tribes were able to constantly build fires. The Wampanoags and Iroquois wore many different clothes.
Explanation: Potlatch, ceremonial distribution of property and gifts to affirm or reaffirm social status, as uniquely institutionalized by the American Indians of the Northwest Pacific coast. The potlatch reached its most elaborate development among the southern Kwakiutl from 1849 to 1925.
“The Model of Dual Federalism” that is characterized as the relationship in which tension and conflict between the Central State and the Particular States predominate and the ties of consensus and collaboration are weakened. Both centers of power are sovereign and equal "in their respective spheres", consequently they distinguish and distribute the powers that each one must perform.
In the "cooperative federalism model" the distribution of power and authority between the national, provincial and local levels are mixed, owing its name to Grodzins Morton, who describes it with the example of the health officer whose activities and functions do it simultaneously Federal state official of the county and also an official of the urban council. The Federal State appoints it according to the merit guidelines that it establishes, its salary comes jointly from federal and state resources, the county provides the office and the largest city in the county covers part of its expenses, such as maintaining the office . Your job is to inspect food, applying federal standards as well as state laws. This by way of illustrative data that does not exhaust the example, since it is richer, gives us the pattern that the authority overlaps, is shared, there being no exclusive competences in important matters that correspond to a single level. There is no clear division or division of powers, responsibilities are shared.