I would definitely exclude maritime science and environmental science: both are more focused on the life and interaction of various parts of ocean, and less on the form of the rocks.
It is in fact a sub-discipline of both geology and eceanography: it's a part of geology by the virtue of focusing on rocks, and it's part of oceanography by the virtue of focusing on the rocks on the ground of the oceans
I would think yes, briefly. Check Yahoo answers or google it possibly!
It discriminated society into groups of various levels. it changed the equalitarian view of people into a discriminatory sense of judging people around them.
Belief that America will grow bigger and bigger
After the fall of the former Soviet Union and the rapid disappearance of communism in Europe, the population of the former Soviet States were extremely happy about the situation, and with the help of the West most of the countries in this region made a move to democracy. These principal Central Asian countries are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Unfortunately, ten years later the jubilation about the democratization process in this region has gone sour, and the reality today is that most of these countries are turning into Dictatorships. Even though, the governments of these countries promised to support democratic ruled, they are now clearly embarked in non-democratic ruled.
The western democracies are alarmed by these trend, and they are trying to do what they can but no one knows what the results will be.