Step-by-step explanation:
7-E -4
Step-by-step explanation:
My school supplyes us with a calculator and lucky for you it does scientific notation
We need to identify what "the nearest cent" is.
That is a representation of a number using variables, but we'll just say it's for place values.
A is in the Tens Place
B is in the Ones Place
C is in the Tenths Place (1/10)
D is in the Hundredths Place (1/100
Since we are talking about money let's put it in relation to a dollar.
A is in the Ten Dollar Place
B is in the One Dollar Place
C is in the Tenth of a Dollar Place (1/10 of a dollar)
D is in the Hundredth of a Dollar Place (1/100 of a dollar)
So, what is 1/10 of a dollar?
What amount of money times 10, would get you 1 dollar. Or you can think of it as if you had 10 of one value of money and you got a dollar what is that? A dime.
Now, what is 1/100 of a dollar?
What amount of money times 100, would get you 1 dollar. 1 cent (Or it is sometimes called a penny).
So that means any number beyond the 1/100 of a dollar point (D) will be rounded. If it's the first number after the 1/100 of a dollar is greater than (or equal to) 5 then we round the cent value up. If it is less than 5 we round down.
So, 9 is our cent place. 8 is greater than 5, so we round 9 up. (Add 1. Since it is 9 it will carry over into the 1/10 of a dollar place)
Our answer is:
She is standing in front of a wall which is 10 feet away when she kicks the ball and it hits the wall and comes back to her by the virtue of Newton's third Law of motion! She kicks the ball into the air vertically above her and the ball rises to 10 feet and then comes back to her by the virtue of gravity!