Solid liquid gas science is key my g
Mitochondrial DNA (mtdna) recovered from a fossil hominin from sima de los huesos in northern spain shows connections to the mtdna of the Denisovans.
The Sima de los Huesos showed distinctive proof of DNA survival over an extended period of time. Based on the enzymatic amplification of a few short mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments from Middle Pleistocene cave bear bones. Given that the Sima de los Huesos fossils have Neanderthal-derived characteristics (such as in their dental, mandibular, midfacial, supraorbital, and occipital morphology), it is unexpected that the mtDNA from these fossils has a common origin with Denisovan rather than Neanderthal mtDNAs.
To learn more about Mitochondrial DNA click here
Humans usually have 46 chromosomes. Monkeys, chimps, or other organisms related closely to them: they have diploid number of 48 chromosomes.
(Future reference: Haploid means half, half the # of chromosomes in the nucleus. Diploids means duplicate, COMPLETE necessary set of chromosomes).
Hope it helps!! :)
In the element (<u>n Na20)</u> the <em>2 </em>means that there are 2 oxygen atoms in the Sodium Oxide.