True. AIDS can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, contaminated needles and blood. HIV aids can be prevented through care and smart thinking. If you engage in a sexual intercourse be sure to used condoms or research about the partner if that partner has history about HIV. Simple ways can give you a healthy and HIV free life.
The alimentary canal (also called the digestive tract) is the long tube of organs including the esophagus, the stomach, and the intestines that runs from the mouth to the anus.
Is selective.
The fact that attention is selective means that we can focus on something in particular and turn off all the other things that we perceive in an environment. This is helpful when we want to focus on one thing, like listen to our professor, so we do not pay attention to what is going on in the room like mates talking, someone chewing, the noise outside, etc.
Teach them how to play soccer. give them a few polite tips, but never make them feel inferior