Cell membrane
The cell membrane is a flexible and permeable skin surrounding a cell.
Sour milk contains less lactose than the fresh milk, as the sour milk gets converted to lactic acid and bacteria which enhances the digestion process. One important reason is that proteins take more time in getting digest than other nutrients. We know that fresh milk has a large amount of lactose.
The lactic acid bacteria have many benefits. They improve lactose digestion in the stomach. The lactase activity of the bacteria performs the task of digesting lactose in the product once it reaches the intestine thus fuelling the process of digestion in case of sour milk.
In fresh milk, the casein protein in contact with milk forms curdles which are difficult to digest.
In an oligopoly type of market, there are only few producers whom dominate the market. This is the market type wherein there are only small number of firms that control the majority of the market share. The opposite to Perfect Competition, wherein there are unlimited number of producers. In an oligopoly, since there are only a few numbers competitors, each firm is likely to be aware of each other's action.
The correct option is B. The newest crust on earth is located at the actual site of the floor spreading and as new crusts are formed they replace it. Thus, the older the crust the farther it is from the mid ocean ridge.
Sea floor spreading is a geological process in which tectonic plates splits apart from one another. It occurs at divergent plate boundaries.