when you solve an inequality the result is an interval when you solve an equation is a number or set ex x^2=25 x=-+5 the result is finite numbers
when you multimply an equation the sign inverses but when you solve an equation there is nothing to change
you can add and subtract numbers from both sides
diving and multypling the equation or inequation by a positive numeber as i said in the beggining by multypling or dividing with a negative number the equation s sign inverses ex >= becomes <=
Answer: Answer
Step-by-step explanation: What do you mean by simplify?
Step-by-step explanation:
use the distributive property
There's an infinite number of ways to represent 2.918 in expanded form, for example:
0.02918 * 10^2
0.002918 * 10^3
0.0002918 * 10^4
0.00002918 * 10^5

Or, 1/2.
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the slope of a line that crosses any two given points, we can use the slope formula:

Where (x₁, y₁) is our first point, and (x₂, y₂) is our second point.
We will let (6, -7) be our first point (x₁, y₁), and (4, -8) be our second point (x₂, y₂).
Substitute them into the formula. Hence:


Evaluate. Hence, our slope is: