Answer: True
The definition of minimum spanning tree(MST) says that the graph must be connected and undirected to be considered for MST. It has (V-1) edges where V is the number of vertices. The minimum spanning tree is implemented using Kruskal's algorithm whereby it starts by considering the minimum weighted edge and covers all the edges upto (V-1) edges. So for MST it has to be connected
WAECUP stands for waste, accident, error, crime, and unethical practices.
Assuming that the components are the same as what's included in the acronym, that should be your answer.
Hope this helps!
The input interprets the data while it is in RAM.
A speaker sometimes is not able to capture the intended details since it is affected by homophones.
To break a text string into several lines, which means that the text string continues on the next line, the backslash character should be used.