Sudden Influx of Nutrients
Algal blooms are caused by a sudden influx of nutrients, coupled with already warm temperatures. This can happen from fertilizer runoff from farms or chemical industry waste. They allow algae to quickly grow, but the water reaches carrying capacity.
4H— Arma biotecnologíca altamente efectiva para la protección del medio ambiente 1V— Ámbito donde la biotecnología Y las técnicas de bioingeniería Han encontrado un eco de mayor resonancia. 2V—-
D. dehydration synthesis
Dehydration means removing water, and synthesis means building or creating something. Therefore, the synthesis of dehydration is defined as removing water to build something. This process occurs by removing a molecule of -OH (hydroxyl group) and a molecule of -H to form H2O or water. This results in the covalent bonding of two monomers (small molecules) to form a polymer (larger molecule).
Dehydration synthesis uses condensation in the process and when this continues for a long period of time, a long and complex chain is formed, such as those of disaccharide or polysaccharides. It is also responsible for storing excess glucose molecules as well as larger polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen.
I dont understand what you mean but importance wise the picture would be most impotant
Studying cells helps us to construct better medicines and vaccines, which is beneficial to understanding life.