because he's fast and speedy
The type of waves used by bats are sound waves. Most of the species use their larynx to produce ultrasound waves in the frequency range of 20 to 200 kilohertz.
These sound waves are echoed, reflected, by surroundings, in this case food or prey. These reflections are received by the specialized receptor cells in the ears of bats. The reflections are analyzed by the brain to make an image.
Fun fact: The brain cells of bats are also specialized to better analyze the frequency of ultrasound used by the bat.
The heat form the Mylar outside her window may transfer the heat to the walls. Which then tanker the heat inside Lucia’s home.
Yes, there is such a way.
If currents flow in the same direction in two or more long parallel wires, there will be an attractive force between the wires. If the current flows in different directions, there will be a repulsive force between the wires. In this case, these three parallel wires, can be be made to carry current in the same direction, creating an attractive force between all three wires.
Note that it is not possible to have at the least one of them carry current in the opposite direction and still have an attractive current between them.
a )
Each blade is in the form of rod with axis near one end of the rod
Moment of inertia of one blade
= 1/3 x m l²
where m is mass of the blade
l is length of each blade.
Total moment of moment of 3 blades
= 3 x
x m l²
2 )
m = 5500 kg
l = 45 m
Putting these values we get
moment of inertia of one blade
= 1/3 x 5500 x 45 x 45
= 37.125 x 10⁵ kg.m²
Moment of inertia of 3 blades
= 3 x 37.125 x 10⁵ kg.m²
= 111 .375 x 10⁵ kg.m²
c )
Angular momentum
= I x ω
I is moment of inertia of turbine
ω is angular velocity
ω = 2π f
f is frequency of rotation of blade
d )
I = 111 .375 x 10⁵ kg.m² ( Calculated )
f = 11 rpm ( revolution per minute )
= 11 / 60 revolution per second
ω = 2π f
= 2π x 11 / 60 rad / s
Angular momentum
= I x ω
111 .375 x 10⁵ kg.m² x 2π x 11 / 60 rad / s
= 128.23 x 10⁵ kgm² s⁻¹ .