Alan and Margot drive from City A to City B a distance of 147 miles. They take the same route and drive at constant speeds. Alan
begins driving at 1:40 p.m. and arrives at city B at 4:15 p.m. . Margot's trip from City A to City B can be described with the equation y=64x, where y is the distance traveled an dx is the time in minutes spent traveling. Who gets from City A to City B faster?
If one of them got there faster, who will it be?? 147 Miles keep that in mind ok. If they go on the Same route and Drive at Constant Speed. And Alan will start at 1:45 to 4:15. You will see the Difference of, 1:45 = 4:15 The 1 Has switched into the tens and the 4 Has Switched into The 100's. Alan Got there Fast. Margot Got there Faster. If you can Solve The Equation y=64x It will be 36y. 36 Miles speed. Well they need gas? we will find out later. Margot Got to City a To City B. so the Answer is. Margot Got there Fast Before Alan.
The answer Is one million milligrams (tongue twister) to find this out you simply know that a kilogram is 1000 times a gram and a gram is a thousand times a milligram. 1000x1000= 1,000,000 Your welcome. BRAINLIEST PLEASE