Yes! That is correct, also even MORE peoole die by just breathing smoke from tabacco.
The purpose of fitness tests are to see your progress over time and to make sure that you are improving as you get further into your physical education career. Two types would be 1. fitness gram test which is also known as the pacer test. 2. One mile-run
family doctor, dentist, centers for disease control and prevention.
I would positively imagine myself integrating Vygotsky's notion of scaffolding, such as mixed age grouping or heterogeneous reading or maths groups.
Vygotsky's notion of scaffolding is a part of educational concept of Zone of proximal development also called ZPD.
It says that the set of skills that a child or a student cannot achieve by himself, can be achieved with the help of someone else.
For example: In a mixed- age group reading, a kindergartner would not be able to read a story book of a length by himself, as he is just learning to read and write.
But with the help of kids who are older than him, the child would be able to learn the letters and some small sentences faster.