Functional Autonomy
(I'm not sure if I spelled that right)
In the absence of an atmosphere, Earth’s surface temperature would be about –18°C, or 0°F, which is way too cold for life. Greenhouse gases have just the right molecular structure to absorb infrared radiation that the Earth emits. It re-emits most of that infrared energy in all directions, warming the atmosphere to its comfortable average temperature of 15°C (60°F). So the greenhouse effect is a good thing.
Paul Revere and William Dawes set out on horseback from the city to warn Adams and Hancock and rouse the Minutemen. British troops arrived at the town to find a 77-man-strong militia waiting for them. the “shot heard around the world” was fired. When the brief Battle of Lexington ended, there were few causalities. The American Revolution begun.
Though it was supposed to be separate but equal it wasn't. The African American accommodations were often worn down and dirty. While the White Americans were given much nicer and cleaner things. Also African Americans were treated very badly during the segregation era. <span />
The spectrum of a healthy relationship to an unhealthy relationship is Mutually respectful, Partially Respectful, Partially Conflicting, Conflicting
Answer: Option D
A lot of relationships has ended somewhere between the spectrum of relationship. It can be measured as healthy, unhealthy and abusive. Each relationship includes our behaviors.
Meanwhile, a healthy relationship has some behaviors that include Mutual respect. That, in turn, has conflicting behavior in the unhealthy relationship’s behavioral category.
Whatever the decisions were taken were discussed equally and decisions were finally made when you are in a healthy relationship and it changes slightly once your relationship starts gliding towards an unhealthy relationship.