I’m not sure what pro-life argument to add. Science suggests that fetuses don’t feel pain until the 6th month. They’re not aware that they’re alive. They have neurotransmitters or spinal fluids, their spine is barely developed until then, which is why most abortions aren’t done after that period. Roe vs Wade act is a human right. Other than that, the only excuses you could make for being pro-life is religion, but that isn’t fact so only use that in your writing if it’s a biased report.
I believe the muscle contracts
This is heavily disputed, and honestly, it varies on a person-by-person basis. Some people are visual learners (so it's effective for them to use videos and pictures to help them study), some prefer being hands-on, etc...
Generally though, I'd say the most effective method that works for most people is through visceralisation. This is the process of associating concepts, words. phrases etc. with your different senses (sound, touch, images...). You can read up more on it by searching up "visceralisation for studying".
A. Microorganisms can have both positive and negative effects on other organisms
Because quite simply, it was a loophole that they could get away with... Products and ads are allowed inside displays, even they aren't on a counter.