Respuesta:Newton (unidad) en física, newton (N) es la unidad de fuerza en el sistema internacional de unidades, nombrada así en reconocimiento a issac Newton por su trabajo en la medicina clásica.... es una unidad derivada del sí,que se compone de unidades básicas kg x m x s-2
Profase - Metafase - Anafase - Telofase - Citocinesis
Estas fases ocurren en orden estrictamente secuencial y la citocinesis —el proceso de dividir el contenido de la célula para hacer dos nuevas células— comienza en la anafase o telofase. Etapas de la mitosis: profase, metafase, anafase y telofase. La citocinesis típicamente se superpone con la anafase o telofase.
They can be used for powering our cars and homes
Along the Kuroshio Current, because it is carrying water north towards melting ice caps
The ocean currents have the tendency to be faster when they are warmer, and to be slower when they are colder. The reason for this is that the warmer water is less dense, thus it can move more quickly, while the colder water is denser, thus heavier, so it moves slower. The Kuroshio Current moves from the lower latitudes toward the higher latitudes. As it does, this ocean current is becoming colder and colder as it gets closer to the higher latitudes, so it is becoming denser, heavier, and because of it slower. Another thing that will contribute to this current's slowing down are the melting ice caps because of the climate change, as they will make the water even colder, and the Kuroshio Current will come across this cold water, so it will decrease its speed significantly.
"Collectively the scent, colour and shape of petals all play a role in attracting/repelling specific pollinators and providing suitable conditions for pollinating. Some pollinators include insects, birds, bats and the wind."
-Google Wikipedia