There is 2 sides to doing a full body workout in the morning. One would be that it would be the best because it would wake you and ur body up and make you ready for your day and feel more energetic and more accomplished. However the other side is no because it does have the risk of you possibly of you getting a injury because you might do the workout before having something to eat which might make you feel sick and could have the possibility of you tear or pulling a ligament if you don't stretch.
Call an ambulance because she could possibly be having a heart attack.
1. Alcohol can distract you from school & start pulling you away. This won’t allow you to finish schooling, all of your time & thoughts will be about alcohol. If you don’t finish schooling making a living for yourself in the future will be a very difficult task.
2. You can turn into an alcoholic & find it harder for yourself to live. Most people spend all their money into alcohol causing them to go broke. Too much alcohol is bad for your body cause your organs to slowly stop working.
3. People under the influence don’t always make the right decision since they are not in their right mindset. They can decide to drive a car & cause & accident & tend to get more upset easily.
4. You guys can go to the park & have a picnic or you can stay home & bake cookies. Anything that will distract them is good.
Technology has taken over people nowdays. The avarege person spends up too 3 hours a day on there phones,which doesnt sound that bad but that adds up to over 35 days a year on there phones. Video games and phones distract from exersise and proper health. Many people when in bed stare at there phones for hours not sleeping. Decresed sleep is not good for your overall health.People spend too much time sedentary on there phones or Tvs. People should get an hour to 75 min a day exersing. It can even be a walk in the park but movment would help. I think tecnology has put a big effect on human health and has made us lazy.