Answering the question, changing lanes without signaling is an example of aggressive driving behavior.
Aggressive driving refers to the behavior of a person who commits moving traffic offenses and puts the lives of people and property at risk
Some of the perfect examples of aggressive driving behavior include:
- Over speeding or driving above the recommended speed limit
- Ignoring traffic light and sign or refusal to comply with traffic light and signs
- Changing lines recklessly and passing other vehicles without signaling
- Failure to pull over and allow emergency vehicles to pass
- Failure to stop at school crossing zone
It is not expected of anyone under the law to drive aggressively but sometimes there are certain reasons why some people drive dangerous on the road.
Some of the causes of aggressive driving include:
Rushing: some drivers are always very eager to get to their destination on time and as a result, they change lanes without signaling, speed more than the legal limit and put the lives of other road users at risk.
Traffic: some drivers cannot exercise a little patient while in traffic and some also drive aggressively by getting too close to other vehicles and ignoring traffic light and signs. All these are dangerous and are classified as aggressive driving
Other cause of aggressive driving include young drivers and many more
Therefore, changing lanes without signaling is an example of aggressive driving.
- aggressive driving
- changing lanes
- behavior
- traffic offences
- traffic signals and signs