We need to find first the location, and then we need to note down the barometric pressure of each hour in tenth place without decimal like 1013.3 mb is equal to 133 and so on. And the rate can be steadily increasing, steady, steadily decreasing, steadily increasing and then falling, steadily falling and then increasing, and so on. To find the rate of increase in barometric pressure, we need to find the rate of change of barometric pressure, and this will be clear if we prepare the chart of the barometric pressure of each hour during the past three hours. The graph plotted will give us a clear indication through its slope.
Please check the answer.
Option D is the answer because Digital Certificate is an entity that generates electronic and distributes them upon proving their identity sufficiently. In early days there was issues with people using the certificates that were not even issued by the organizations. Today it's a cryptographic technique which uses digital signatures and gives users a digital certificate that can be authenticated anytime online by any organization and is unique for every user having it.
Option A cannot be the answer because it has nothing to do with the identity of person but rather it is for specific fields.
Option B is not answer because it has no key and score matter to do with it.
Option C Web transactions has nothing to do with the certificates.
Number of packets ≈ 5339
X = no of packets that is not erased.
P ( each packet getting erased ) = 0.8
P ( each packet not getting erased ) = 0.2
P ( X ≥ 1000 ) = 0.99
E(x) = n * 0.2
var ( x ) = n * 0.2 * 0.8
∴ Z = X - ( n * 0.2 ) / ~ N ( 0.1 )
attached below is the remaining part of the solution
note : For the value of <em>n</em> take the positive number
Js is an programming language usually used for coding. It is used on most browsers to produce an effective and interactive design for some users.
1 35
* There is a little typo in printf. It should be "\n".
Initially, the value of the first is 1, and the value of the second is 2. Then, do_something(&second, first) is called. The value of the <em>first</em> will still be 1. However, there is a call by reference for <em>second </em>variable. That means the change made by the function <em>do_something</em> will affect the value of the <em>second</em> variable.
When you look at the calculation inside the <em>do_something</em> function, you may see that value of the <em>second</em> will be 35.