<h3>Yes, Passive transport can occur in dead cells.</h3>
For passive transport to occur, a concentration gradient has to be formed across a permeable or semi-permeable membrane. If the cell membrane of the dead cell, which is a semipermeable membrane, is intact and a concentration gradient has formed on both sides, passive transport can occur.
A concentration gradient is the difference in the concentration of solute molecules across the membrane. Passive transport will allow solute molecules to travel from the higher concentration of the solute to the lower concentration across a membrane till equilibrium is reached, that is, both the sides of the membrane has equal concentration of the solute.
The transport of the solvent can occur as well, from higher concentration to lower concentration.
2 to 2, 3 to 1, 1 to 4 and 4 to 3
hope that helps
Red foxes are omnivores. Their diet includes small animals such as birds, squirrels, rabbits and mice, but also berries, grasses and insects such as crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers and beetles. Red foxes are therefore primary as well as secondary consumers, and even apex predators. Their removal from an ecosystem would most likely reduce the predation pressure on small animals and insects, and may result in population explosions of these prey animals. This in turn may result in additional pressure on the ecosystem as these animals exceed the carrying capacity, and could lead to other plant and animal species within the food web being decimated. Basically, the balance of the ecosystem would be lost until a new equilibrium can be established.