D) use SQL or graphical tools to query the database
To query the database using SQL or graphical tools will help Howie to retrieve bulk of records from the database according to his requirements and it will help to understand and work with the data in a better way than using the data in raw form.
SQL is a language of database used to manipulate and manage the data in the relational database and to query the database.
It is an easy and faster way to query using SQL or graphical tools because no coding is required here.
Different graphical tools are used to present the data in the database in a way that can be easily understood by a person. Different interfaces are provided to visualize the database tables or schema diagrammatically e.g in the form of graphs etc. Different views of the database can be provided to different users according to their requirement and what information they required to be presented.
The program is an illustration of functions.
<h3>What are functions?</h3>
Functions are set of program statements that are executed when called or evoked.
<h3>The main program</h3>
The function written in Python, where comments are used to explain each line of the program is as follows:
#This defines the function
def posodd_number_filter(num):
#This checks if the function is odd and positive
if num >0 and num%2 ==1:
#If yes, this returns Accepted
return "Accepted"
#If no, this returns Rejected
return "Rejected"
Read more about functions at:
My best guess about this is C
a. Objectivity
Zeke ignored objectivity as a criteria for evaluating Web sources.