With millions of different kinds of organisms in the world, scientists must find order in all of this diversity. Scientists group living organisms into one or more of a few major categories as part discipline known as taxonomy. The bodies of organisms are organized into functional systems—cells are organized into tissues, and tissues are organized into organs. Body systems carry out critical functions, such as locomotion, reproduction, digestion, and circulation. All living things on Earth are composed of the same carbon-based, molecular building blocks.

It' have chilling wind circulation so clouds was produce rain
Answer: b. The radius forms the point of the elbow
c. The radius articulates to the wrist closest to the thumb
Ulna and radius are the two bones of the forearm. These bones articulates with the humerus and carpels of the hand.
b. The radius forms the point of the elbow: The elbow joint is the hinge joint that forms between the proximal ends of the radius and ulna in the forearm and distal ends of the humerus. The radius forms a pointed end.
c. The radius articulates to the wrist closest to the thumb: The wrist forms a complex joint. It forms a transition between the hand and the forearm. The radial deviation in the wrist forms the basis for the movement of the tilting of the wrist joint towards the thumb.