It goes like:
#taking inpit for n numbers user wanna enter and save it in a variable n,
n=int(input("Enter the no. of no you want to enter: ")
#While loop after initialising a varaible to make suure the loop runs specific number of times
while a>n:
b=int(input("Enter the number: "))
sum+= a
# printing the sum and average after rounding sum/n upto 2 digits after decimal.
print("sum:", sum, "/naverage:", round(sum/n,2) )
Its a R-type instruction:
31 25 24 20 19 15 14 12 11 7 6 0
| funct7 | rs2 | rs1 |funct3| rd | opcode |
Assembly Language Instruction:
sub rd, rs1, rs2 || 0x0 0x20 || R[rd] ← R[rs1] - R[rs2]
Binary Conversion:
R-TYPE funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode
Bits 7 5 5 3 5 7
Binary 100000 00101 00111 000 00110 0110011
So Binary representation for this is: 0100 0000 0101 0011 1000 0011 0011 0011
This typing feature is known as <em>typography</em>.
The technique of writing the text, to make it readable and appealing is called Typography.
There are different things such as, writing style, size and font are used to in typography.
The technique of Typography in which we make first letter of chapter or paragraph larger as compare to other letter is called initial.
b. turnaround time
A scheduling computer system refers to the ability of the computer that typically allows one process to use the central processing unit (CPU) while another process is waiting for input-output (I/O), thus making a complete usage of any lost central processing unit (CPU) cycles in order to prevent redundancy.
In terms of CPU scheduling metrics, turnaround time is the time at which the job completes minus the time at which the job arrived in the system. It is one of the scheduling metrics to select for optimum performance.