What this student is doing is collecting data. So, he wants to check how many life forms there are in the waters nearby. In order to do so, he has to take a sample, and look at it through a microscope so as to determine the number. So, he collected a sample which is his data. He is not drawing conclusions yet, but rather counting these organisms. He is not making a peer review - his peers aren't even mentioned here. He is not forming a hypothesis because he is just counting at this point.
So u get a codon chart it'll look like a circle with a bunch of letters. Then you use the letters u are given for every dash such as UCU and you go biggest to smallest letter until you hit an amino acid or stop then what you write down is that amino acid you hit. For an example, we'll use UCU. You go to the big letter U inside that big U will be a smaller C and inside that C will be a smaller U which leads to an amino acid or a stop codon. And you do this with every group of 3 letters. If one is missing it stops prematurely and if there is an extra when it may have a mutation. I hope that helped! If not there are YouTube videos out there that can help.
The Pharynx is the passageway way for food
The Larynx is the passageway for air
<h3>Pharynx </h3>
The Pharynx is a long tube that is located in the throat region, it helps in the smooth passage of food from the mouth and down to the stomach where it is needed for body metabolism
The larynx helps in the free flow of air, it is sometimes called the voice box. It plays a vital function by blocking the windpipe from taking in food particles
For more information on Pharynx and larynx, please see the link below
An autonomous car is a vehicle capable of sensing its environment and operating without human involvement. A human passenger is not required to take control of the vehicle at any time, nor is a human passenger required to be present in the vehicle at all. An autonomous car can go anywhere a traditional car goes and do everything that an experienced human driver does.