everything is made from atoms
UV light caused cancer because it damages the DNA in our cells. Changing the characteristic of a cell can cause cancer
She could time how long it takes for each amount of salt dissolves in the waters. (as well as keep each amount of salt the same if she was not doing that already.)
This way, she could observe which water is best for dissolving solvents and which is most affective in the shortest amount of time. If she was not timing how long it takes for salt to dissolve in different temperatures of water, then the experiment may as well have been useless unless there is somehow a different objective.
The number of species on Earth tagged at 8.7 million as of 2011.
A nerve is actually a long threadlike bundle of dendrites that conduct electrical impulses. Dendrite word derived from the Greek word 'dendron' which means tree. They carry messages in the form of electrical impulses to cell body, there are also wire like nerves called axon.
Hope it helps you
have a good day dear friend