The answer is position 3, because it is at its lowest point.
Potential Energy is “stored energy.” It is energy that is ready to be converted or released as another type of energy. We most often think of potential energy as gravitational potential energy. When objects are higher up, they are ready to fall back down. When you stretch an object and it has a tendency to return to its original shape, it is said to have elastic potential energy. Chemical potential energy is the stored energy in a substance’s chemical structure that can be released in a chemical reaction or as heat.
I don't like the wording of any of the choices on the list.
SONAR generates a short pulse of sound, like a 'peep' or a 'ping',
focused in one direction. If there's a solid object in that direction,
then some of the sound that hits it gets reflected back, toward the
source. The source listens to hear if any of the sound that it sent
out returns to it. If it hears its own 'ping' come back, it measures
the time it took for the sound to go out and come back. That tells
the SONAR equipment that there IS a solid object in that direction,
and also HOW FAR away it is.
RADAR works exactly the same way, except RADAR uses radio waves.
Exert force upward.
Like when you pick something up from the floor, or walk up the stairs.
Which is an SI base unit that makes up part of the unit of force?