You know that you sound better when you sing in the shower. This has to do with the amplification of frequencies that correspond
to the standing-wave resonances of the shower enclosure. A shower enclosure is created by adding glass doors and tile walls to a standard bathtub, so the enclosure has the dimensions of a standard tub, 0.75m wide and 1.5m long. Standing sound waves can be set up along either axis of the enclosure. What are the lowest two frequencies that correspond to resonances on each axis of the shower? These frequencies will be especially amplified. Assume a sound speed of 343 m/s.A) What are the lowest two frequencies that correspond to resonances on the short axis?B) What are the lowest two frequencies that correspond to resonances on the longer axis?
How much does light bend? When light travels from air into water, it slows down, causing it to change direction slightly. This change of direction is called refraction. When light enters a more dense substance (higher refractive index), it 'bends' more towards the normal line.