1. Hypnosis can help people stop smoking.(Yes)
To what extent does hypnosis work in regards to these behaviors?
A study by McNeilly and colleagues found that hypnosis may help quitters to focus on their own resources to curb cigarette cravings. Other researchers have suggested that success rates are caused by the relaxation effects of hypnosis. These might allow people to cope with nicotine addiction and nicotine withdrawal.
Would you recommend them? Why or why not?
I wouldn't recommend it because, The evidence for hypnosis as a successful smoking cessation method is a mixed bag. Some studies have seen high success rates, whilst others are more modest. A review of 59 different trials found that hypnosis is often better than no support at all.( so its a risk)
What sources did you use to find your answers.
B. Exercise strengthens the bones so if you go without exercise your bones become weak.
Eustress is a positive type of stress so the answer is A.
Celiac is a gluten intolerance. this means they can not tolerate any type of grains or flours. the answer is fruit salad. fruit has no bred, no grain, and no wheat:)
Amy should try to sort the matter out face to face.