F= 2569.6 X 4.65 = 11,948.64
*Multiply the mass and the acceleration to find the force

The function of the current with respect to time is the derivative of the charge function with respect to time t. We can apply chain rule to differentiate it:

An electric current flows through the electromagnet's wire coil and generates a magnetic field, which produces a force on the beater bar.
1 hour for the train to travel 17,000 feet
I understand that sound travels faster in water then in air. Water is a liquid, and air is gas.
Water still has the ability to roll the molecules over each other (so water can flow), it has some flexibility.
But I do not understand how a solid that is inflexible can make sound waves travel faster then in a flexible liquid.
In fact, sound waves travel over 17 times faster through steel than through air.
Sound waves travel over four times faster in water than it would in air.