A) ψ² describes the probability of finding an electron in space.
The Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger formulated an equation that describes the behavior and energies of submicroscopic particles in general.
The Schrödinger equation i<u>ncorporates both particle behavior</u>, in terms of <u>mass m</u>, and wave behavior, in terms of a <u><em>wave function ψ</em></u>, which depends on the location in space of the system (such as an electron in an atom).
The probability of finding the electron in a certain region in space is proportional to the square of the wave function, ψ². According to wave theory, the intensity of light is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave, or ψ². <u>The most likely place to find a photon is</u> where the intensity is greatest, that is, <u>where the value of ψ² is greatest</u>. A similar argument associates ψ² with the likelihood of finding an electron in regions surrounding the nucleus.
The motivation to abstain from adding water to concentrated acids is that, with a few acids, amid weakening, a considerable measure of warmth is discharged, by adding the corrosive to the water, the generally extensive measure of water will retain the warmth. On the off chance that you added water to concentrated corrosive when you initially beginning pouring the water, it could get sufficiently hot for the little measure of water that was filled all of a sudden bubble and splatter corrosive on you. Concentrated sulfuric corrosive is most famous for doing this, not all acids get that hot on weakening, but rather in the event that you make a propensity for continually adding the corrosive to water for every one of them, you can't turn out badly.
Acorns were a primary food resource or staple for the Kumeyaay and other native Californians. ... They knew special ways to store and prepare the acorns for food. Oak Communities and the Food Chain. One way that plants and animals are connected is through energy.
The most logical identification of a "shooting star" is a meteor. A meteor is basically any material from outerspace that falls to Earth. The main characteristic of a meteor is that from our point of view on the surface of the Earth it looks like a shooting star because we see a streak of light behind it. This light is simply dust and rock from the meteor burning up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere, leaving a "tail" of light behind it. Which to us looks like a shooting star.