There are gaps in the fossil record because many early forms of life were soft-bodied, which means that they have left few traces behind. What traces there were may have been destroyed by geological activity. This is why scientists cannot be certain about how life began.
tongue; middle of the back
- In physiology, the two-point threshold means that there must exist a threshold distance, above which any given subject can differentiate between two different sensations.
- In physics, the two-point threshold is the smallest distance that exists between two points where the person can distinguish those two points as distinct and not one.
- This two-point threshold work by Weber found that the most sensitive area where the threshold distance was the smallest was the tongue and the least sensitive area where the distance was largest was the middle of the back.
The solution to this is to use the n = c / v equation
c is the speed of light: 3x10^8; and
The idea that v = m/s
So plug in the m/s for v in the n = c v equation and you will
1.5 = (3 x 10 ^ 8)/ ((4.5m)/s))
Therefore, the time should be 2.25 x 10 ^ -10 seconds.
Two Types of Coevolution
Coevolution is common among organisms participating in a mutual interaction. In mutualism, both the organisms benefit from each other. When coevolution occurs among mutually benefiting species, it is called mutualistic coevolution.
When coevolution is found among species that have negative effects on each other, it is called competitive coevolution. There are two kinds of interactions between species that can lead to competitive coevolution:
<span><span>Predation is when one organism kills and eats another organism. The prey is the species that gets eaten by the predator, which is of course the species that eats the prey.</span><span>Parasitism is when one organism benefits by damaging, but not killing, another organism. The parasitespecies benefits from this relationship, while the host species is negatively affected.</span></span>
Two daughter cells are created