According to Baumrind (1971), the parent who uses punitive disciplinary measures is authoritarian. Baumrind’s (1971) introduced authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive typologies of parenting styles. The punitive disciplinary measures are considered to be behaviours like punishing children by taking privileges away from a child with little if any explanations or making threats with little or no justification as a way to punish a child. The authoritarian parenting style is characterized by the regular usage of punishment, a very low level of parental warmth and nurturing paired with unresponsiveness and lack of trust. Also, parents have high expectations when it comes to a child's behavior.
The sedition act made it illegal
Consumers affect which goods and services are produced by the gains of money of the good and services. Some good and services sell better than other and that helps .
The answer is A.
Spartans were known for being considerably brutal throughout the war, their general policies were extreme.