Answer: Through genes
When a baby is made the parents both pass on traits (genes) to the baby through DNA. The traits that the baby takes are determined by dominant and recessive traits.
Example: If both parents have brown eyes which is a dominant trait the baby will have brown eyes.
Photosynthesis, because the equation is using light energy and producing oxygen, like a plant, which use photosynthesis to make food.
.dont taste or sniff chemical
Tasting and smelling some chemicals can be dangerous and even deadly.the best way to know what is in a container is to label
. Don't play mad scientists
This result in mixing chemcals to see what happens the result could be explosion ,fires,or releasing toxic chemicals
.Dress for the lab
This is a safety rule because clothing is one of your best form of protection against an accident wear covered shoes,long pants,and keep your hair tied so it cant fall into your experiment
the process plants use to produce food is photosynthesis.
the answer is food (food in the presence of starch=sugar) and oxygen.
Because they all need one another to survive. flowers need bees to distribute their pollen. and some animals relly on plants for food. and plants relly on the sun to be healthy
-don’t forget to heart and mark as brainliest! thanks!