Galencials are a type of natural medication prepared from herbs and vegetable matter with little to no synthetic components.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death. The body is this to get rid of unneeded or abnormal. The body will get rid of cells with damaged DNA before they can become cancerous.
DNA is synthesized in the middle part of Interphase, which is usually denoted S in the series G1 - S - G2 </span><span>"There are 3 stages of interphase: G1 in which the cell grows and functions normally. Once it grows too large it enters the synthesis (S) phase. In S phase the cell makes exact copies of its DNA. It is now ready for G2 phase where it makes sure all of its chromosomes and organelles are ready for mitosis."</span>
Nitrogen thet cannot be used by organisms. C.
Free nitrogen is simply molecular nitrogen (N2). Nitrogen, in its molecular form, consists of two nitrogen atoms bound together with a tripple bond. Because it is very stable, N2 is typically nonreactive, and takes a lot of energy to break them apart. Among these are the amino acids necessary for life to begin and which are the building blocks DNA is made from. Basically, any nitrogen that is in an organic compound is considered “fixed” nitrogen and N2 is considered to be “free” nitrogen