Although the atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen, it is in the form of gas known as dinitogen N2. Plant cannot use this form.
Lister's work led to a reduction in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients, distinguishing him as the "father of modern surgery"
No harm upon ecosystems or the environment, prevention of any harmful contributions to air, water and land pollution.
Carbon cycle may be defined as a type of biogeochemical cycle that regulates the amount of carbon in nature. The carbon is released by the living animals and utilized by the plants in form of carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis consumes the carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates where as cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide and breakdown the carbohydrate. Both these process helps in recycling of the carbon in nature and maintains the level of carbon in nature.
Lining up of chromosomes in the cell
Prophase begins with the Thickening of chromosome. Chromosomes are clearly visible inside the nucleus. each chromosome splits longitudinally to form two chromatids.
The centriole in the centrosome of animal cell divides into two. The centrosphere set the centrioles free. Centrioles develop very fine eye-lash like thread called aster rays. the two asters start moving towards the opposite poles. By the end of prophase they reach at the opposite poles.