Magnetism is a class of physical phenomena that are mediated by magnetic fields. Electric currents and the magnetic moments of elementary particles give rise to a magnetic field, which acts on other currents and magnetic moments.The Earth's magnetic field is somewhat caused by the composition of the earth's core which is rich in iron minerals. There is a solid inner core that is made of iron which makes up to 2/3 of the moon's size. The charged metal of the iron produces electric currents, consequently resulting to Earth's magnetic field.
The correct answer is: d.Most people with this disorder are female.
Antisocial personality disorder - ASPD also called sociopathy is a personality disorder in which person doesn’t pay attention to the rights of others. The behavior of people with this disorder :
• Consistently not showing no regard for right and wrong,
• Ignoring the feelings of others,
• Antagonization and, manipulation,
• Not showing guilt or remorse .
Sometimes even destructive and criminal behavior might appear.
Addition of hydroxide ions will decrease its acidity and make it more basic.
Figure 1-4 shows one with an animation in progress. Work area is the technical name for the gray area surrounding the stage, although many Flash-ionados call it the backstage. ... The Stage is where you draw the pictures that will eventually become your animation.
Organisms at point C will have hair.<span> All organisms on the main right branch will have bilateral symmetry.</span><span> All of the organisms from point B on are terrestrial.</span>