UGGCUCGAA. According to the rule of complementarity, in RNA adenine (A) binds to uracile (U), and guanine (G) binds to cytosine (C). So, the DNA sequence is ACCGAGCTT
A) One-half of their daughters will have normal color vision and brown eyes; 1/2 of their daughters will have normal color vision and blue eyes.
<u>The genotypes and phenotypes are</u>:
- BB or Bb= brown eyes
- bb= blue eyes
- XᴰXᴰ, XᴰXᵈ (women) or XᴰY (men)= normal vision
- XᵈXᵈ (women) or XᵈY (men) = color blind
A woman has blue eyes (bb) and normal color vision (she has an Xᴰ chromosome) but her father was color-blind, so the other X chromosome she has carries the recessive d allele. She has the genotype bb XᴰXᵈ.
The man has normal color vision (he is XᴰY) and has brown eyes, but his mother had blue eyes so he must have inherited a b allele from her and is therefore heterozygous Bb. His genotype is BbXᴰY.
The blue/brown eyes gene is autosomal and independent from the sex-linked color blindness gene.
The woman can produce the gametes b Xᴰ and b Xᵈ.
The man can produce the gametes B Xᴰ, b Xᴰ, B Y and bY.
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<u>The female daughters can have the following genotypes and phenotypes:</u>
- Bb XᴰXᴰ brown eyes, normal color vision
- Bb XᴰXᵈ brown eyes, normal color vision
- bb Xᴰ Xᴰ blue eyes, normal color vision
- bb Xᴰ Xᵈ blue eyes, normal color vision
Oak trees need nitrogen or carbon dioxide to live but because they don’t need oxygen the tree will release it to the world for the human to breathe