It's Propagnada
Uncle Sam (AKA USA) wants you (young, capable men) to fight or the US army.
About 2,800 years ago, people known as the Maya lived in farming villages on the Yucatan Peninsula and the highlands to the south. From about A.D. 250 to A.D. 900, they built city-states in Central America that included great pyramid temples and public plazas featuring huge stone columns that recounted their history. Excavations at Tikal, Guatemala, one of the greatest and oldest Maya centers, have revealed thousands of structures and artifacts. The findings include temples, pyramids, ball-playing courts, stone monuments, tools, ceremonial objects, and a great many.easily quarried and used for building and tool making. In the south, volcanoes stretched over the highlands and yielded valuable resources. The fertile volcanic soil allowed the people to grow crops.
Anthropologists are positioned uniquely positioned to study gender in any society because they focus on biological differences to see how the culture is constructed
<span>Roanoke Island is best known for its historical significance as the site of Sir Walter.</span>