here are some positives
Slater divided factory work into such simple steps that children aged four to ten could do it -- and did. ... Samuel Slater has been called the "father of the American factory system. ... a genius whose other advances included using water power to drive his machines and dividing labor among ... America's Industrial Revolution
Answer: President Iskander Mirza was a key factor in his failure.
After being appointed prime minister, Hussain Shaheed had previously had some disagreements with President Mirza. Hussain had several other dissidents who sat in high state positions. There was a lot of slander against him, but the most serious was that he was involved in Hindu-Muslim riots. Shaheed fell victim to the system, and that is the main reason for his failure. He died in Beirut in the political emigration of the year.
One would cite the 8th Amendment to the Constitution.
He's in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of psychosocial development.
Intimacy vs. Isolation stage of psychosocial development centers around forming intimate, long-lasting relationships.
When failing this stage, it will most probably result in a devastating sense of isolation and perpetual loneliness. While succeeding will result in an strong, intimate circle of relationships.
Conquistar dichos territorios, estableciendo colonias que abastecieran a España de materias primas.
Una vez que Cristobal Colón descubrió el continente americano en 1492, el Imperio Español vio en América la posibilidad de obtener nuevas fuentes de producción primaria, especialmente de aquellos bienes que hasta ese entonces eran obtenidos a través del comercio con China e India, como metales preciosos y especias. A ese fin fue que se llevaron a cabo nuevos viajes de exploración para determinar la extensión del territorio, tras lo cual se establecieron diversas colonias desde lo que hoy es el sur de los Estados Unidos hasta Argentina.