The Himalayan rabbit's environment entirely determines the color of its coat.
<h3>How does the environment affect the coat color on the fur of a Himalayan rabbit? </h3>
The color of newborn Himalayan rabbits is either white or light grey. Beginning at the age of four weeks and ending at six months, coloring the coat is a process. The temperature of the environment affects the color of the coat, which grows darker in colder climates and lighter in warmer ones. The Himalayan rabbit's hair turns black when it is subjected to subfreezing conditions. That area's fur finally turned black. The rabbit's newly grown fur will be black in color if the white fur is removed and the animal is kept at a low temperature. Considering this, it is clear that temperature affects the expression of genes that control this organism's fur color.
To know more about coat color of Himalayan rabbit visit:
The digestion of dietary and blood protein.
Encephalopathy is a disease referring to brain damage or malfunction. This means that, a situation whereby the brain is not functioning very well.
This can be caused by drugs, toxins, trauma and infections among others.
In this case, the building up of ammonia in the blood will result to type of encephalopathy known as hepatic encephalopathy. This is when the consciousness level of the brain is being altered.
This happens when the the liver cannot remove toxic chemicals like ammonia from the body.
Answer:1)Temperature 2)Wind 3)Humidity 4)Light:plants tend to transpire more rapidly in light than in the dark.
Answer:Una célula pasa por cuatro etapas a lo largo de su vida, que son: el nacimiento, el crecimiento, la diferenciación y la reproducción o muerte celular.
El proceso por el cual nace una célula a partir de otra preexistente se denomina división celular. El mecanismo que da origen a un nuevo individuo, en organismos unicelulares, es decir, organismos formados por una sola célula, se produce para aumentar el tamaño de su población, mientras que en organismos pluricelulares, este proceso funciona para aumentar el número de células y el reemplazo de células que se encuentren dañadas o muertas.
El ciclo celular se define como el conjunto de transformaciones que sufren las células para generar dos células hijas.
Este ciclo está formado por tres fases: la interfase, la mitosis y la ciclo