say hello hows your day been doing
Vaccine against Diphtheria-Tetanus-Whooping cough + Haemophilus influenzae type B + Polio [DTaP-Hib-IPV] (Hebrew) Vaccine against Measles-Mumps-Rubella (German measles) + Varicella (chicken pox) [MMRV] Vaccine against pneumococcus bacteria [PCV] Vaccine against Hepatitis B.
please follow me, give me thank and mark me as BRAINLIEST..
I would say C) Following through on a promise.
Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
When you promise someone, you have the ethical integrity to be bound by your words. When someone failed to keep their word or break promises, his or her reputation was damaged. Also, a lack of trustworthiness meant that people didn’t do business with them.
Truthfully speaking there is none. There are plenty of "underprivileged" people who have risen to success based on their determination. Everyone has equal access to information because information is free. The only reason someone would commit a crime is if they were brought up into believing that that was what was expected of them from society due to their geographical location, income, color, religion, etc. Those who are determined to push past the narrative prove that "unequal access to basic services" and crime are not directly related. Anyone who tells you otherwise wishes you to remain a slave to the system because they believe that being poor is where you belong and where you should stay.