If you divide 5 by 6 to turn it into a decimal, you get 0.83. All you have to do is find a numerator that you can divide by 8 to get a decimal less than 0.83.
So, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, or 6/8 would work.
135 mg*1g/1000mg*10dg/1g=1.35 dg
Step-by-step explanation:11m is the radius and to find the diameter u multiply 11 x 2 which is radius x 2 which = 22
A. 12; Least common denominator is the least multiple that the denominator have together. So you multiply the denominators until you get the first number they both have in common.
6*1 = 6
6*2 =12
4*1 =4
4*2 =8
4*3 = 12
Since the first number they both have in common is 12, the least common denominator is 12